Fat Grafting Philadelphia

Fat GraftingFat Grafting is a proven technique that involves removing fat from one area of your body with liposuction, purifying it, and then transferring it to another area of your body. The Alma Beautifill laser assisted liposuction system allows Dr. Hoffman, to do fat grafting in the office under local anesthesia. Patients are awake as fat is taken from one part of their body and transferred to another locations. The most common locations are the face and lips, breasts, and buttocks.

The Benefits of Fat Grafting

The use of your own fat to enhance size, shape and lifted appearance of your derriere, breast, or, face, or body has several important benefits. Not only will your body appear more sculpted and trim, with unwanted fat deposits reduced, your body will not reject your own fat, and the process is safe and effective.

Every person is unique in the look that they way, and the amount of excess fat present on the body that allows for fat transfer. This procedure requires the patient have sufficient fatty deposits , which even the thinnest of patients normally have.

Fat Grafting to the Breast Before & After

Body Contouring with Fat Grafting

The extracted fat is prepared by the plastic surgeon and is then injected into your buttocks, face, body, or breasts. This transferred fat enances your body in areas it was deficient, filling out flat areas and giving a lifted appearance to your chosen body part. Skin surface contour irregularites can be corrected in the same procedure. A powerful added benefit of the fat grafting procedures is that you will benefit from the liposuction to slim and trim excess fat from other areas of your body for a sculpting effect. The procedure is a two-for-one way to enhance and contour your body, and creaste a more beautiful and appealing shape. To learn more about fat grafting to body you can see our buttocks enhancement page.

What is the Cost of Fat Grafting?

Pricing for a fat grafting includes doctor fees, hospital fees, and Anesthesia.
Fat Grafting: $7,500 – $10,000

Brazilian Butt Lift: $9,000 – $12,000
*Prices may vary based on the specific needs of the patient and scope of the procedure

Fat Grafting Q&A

What is a fat injection?

Answer: A fat injection or fat transfer, is when fat is taken from one part of the body and placed in a different part of the body. Liposuction is used to harvest the fat, and then it can be injected into the face, breast, buttock, or anywhere else that you want more volume. About 70 % of the fat survives the transfer and will be a permanent augmentation.

I have an interest in breast augmentation but transferring fat seems more natural. Still possible for a fuller breast and cup size?

Answer: Great question. Fat grafting can be used alone or in conjunction with breast augmentation to give superior results.

During a consultation, we determine how much fuller you want your breasts. In my opinion, smaller augmentations are best done by fat grafting. If you want more volume replaced- than an implant is your best option. The procedures can be combined in the appropriate patients. This allows the implants edges to be hidden further or correct and pre-existing contour deformities that are not helped by the breast augmentation.

For more information, call our office today at 610-896-6666 to set up a consultation with Dr. Hoffman.